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Charles L. Boris


Charles is a licensed independent clinical social worker and a board-certified diplomat in clinical social work. He is a member of the Academy of Clinical Social Workers and the National Association of Social Workers. He is licensed by the State of Ohio Counselors and Social Work Board. Charles has extensive experience in mental health services for more than 40 years. He counsels children, adolescents, adults, and families.

Mr. Boris specializes in providing marriage preparation counseling services with an emphasis on couples who are having difficulties managing emotional, behavioral, and health concerns in couples therapy. He counsels couples who need to examine if they share lifestyle expectations or if they are at least compatible. Charles maintains a strong professional stance that relationship stressors can increase the probability and the onset, and prolong the course, of mental health problems in a troubled marriage. He also specializes in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with individuals who have been injured in industrial accidents and veterans. In addition, he offers grief counseling, stress management, and crisis intervention.

He has an extensive background in cognitive, behavioral, psychotherapy, and clinical hypnosis. He stresses a multi-dimensional treatment approach to depression, anxiety, psychosomatic illnesses, and adult disorders. He collaborates closely with other healthcare providers to ensure continuity of care.

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Charles L. Boris
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